Abida Phuppo – Zehra Ahson

Abida phoppo has taught us in life that nothing is impossible. She was the most independent person I have seen in her peers.  She would travel international and domestic making several trips on her own.

She used to visit us in New Jersey almost every year and we loved her company.

She was caring loving and above all very affectionate person. Her immense love for religion made her visit Makkah/ Madinah several times. Many times she requested me and my husband (Haseeb Ahson) to take her for umrah trip. Her passion for religion and her dedication to do non stop Ibadah is incomparable.

The mango dessert Hefsa mentioned is my favorite too and I learned it from her.

She was an expert in making her famous tomato ki chutney which many of us would agree that it was the best.

May Allah SWT grant her highest place in Jannat Ul firdous. Aameen.